Piano performance tips

My Clacking Shoe

My Clacking Shoe

Over the years of playing the piano in public, I’ve passed through many stages of performance anxiety. Perhaps the most difficult time was early on, when I expressed my stage fright through visible physical reactions. I will never forget my adult piano recital of Debussy’s Rêverie, in particular, my clacking shoe.

Rushing Haydn in Adult Piano Lessons

Rushing Haydn in Adult Piano Lessons

I have never been one to do anything slowly. I entered high school at age 12, college at 16, and was a vice president in a male-dominated industry at 30. That is, until I studied Haydn.

How to Perform a Piano Concerto

How to Perform a Piano Concerto

For years, Ricker Choi, an amateur pianist from Canada, wanted to play a concerto with an orchestra, a dream shared by many students of adult piano lessons.

Losing Control in Adult Piano Lessons

Losing Control in Adult Piano Lessons

Matthew Harre, one of the most well-known teachers of adult piano lessons in the Washington DC area, prescribes scales, patience, and practice like many of his music-teaching brethren.

This Sounded So Much Better at Home

This Sounded So Much Better at Home

This past August, when our music director, Julie, asked me to play during the Offertory, I decided to dust off a Chopin piece in my repertoire, the Nocturne in E-flat Major.

Press Record to Improve Your Sound

Press Record to Improve Your Sound

Several years ago, my piano teacher, Stephen Wu, suggested in his low-key manner that I record myself when I practiced. I allowed a lot of time to elapse before I finally worked up the courage to follow his suggestion, despite his occasional, gentle reminders.